Making crypto cool, simple and accessible for everyone

The only crypto digital ecosystem designed for mortals. Bringing crypto to your everyday life, for non-experts to enjoy the benefits of blockchain.
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Available on all platforms
Two iphones with different moca app sections on them.

Introducing the Moca Crypto ecosystem

Brewing amazing stuff for you

Moca wallet

The perfect cryptocurrency wallet for easily managing your balances and tokens across all platforms – no prior experience required.

  • Easy to use
  • Cross Platform
  • 0.30% affiliate fee (swaps)
  • Revenue sharing
  • Entirely Open-Source
A tablet and a phone with a chart on the screen.

Supported Chains

Supported DEXes

Upcoming Features

The Moca Roadmap

Beta launch
iOS, Android, Desktop, Web App

We are first rolling out our digital wallet beta for iOS, Android, Desktop, and Web. We invite users to test-drive our features and provide feedback to help us make Moca the best wallet available.

A computer, tablet, and phone all displaying the same device.
Revenue sharing
To $MOCA cross chain pools

Real Yield, non-inflationary and fair. Dive into our cross-chain pools for $MOCA, designed to boost your earnings through an automatic revenue sharing system from transactions and future Moca services, pools paired with $CACAO and with $RUNE will exist in the short-term; on Arbitrum, Kujira and Binance Smart Chain.

Chrome & Brave

Extensions are a key part of the blockchain experience, but having separate tools for your extension and your wallet suuuuucks. Our Chrome and Brave browser extensions will make for quick and easy access to your Moca wallet from anywhere —simplifying your crypto experience without switching apps.

A computer screen with a bunch of graphs on it.
Open-source alternative to Coingecko & CMC

We're building an open-source platform akin to Coingecko and CoinMarketCap. Expect real-time market analysis, detailed stats, and asset tracking tools to bring transparency and data access to everyone; best of all, no gatekeeping, bribes or listing fees needed, just do the code yourself!

Moca Pay, our solution to onboard millions

Moca Pay is where we go to the mainstream: the solution for making cryptocurrency payments accessible to businesses worldwide. We aim to integrate crypto payments seamlessly into everyday life with our app for vendors and plug-ins for Shopify and WooCommerce. It's free for vendors and users, with only a fee for cross-chain transactions, which we will facilitate seamlessly.

Moca Chain
Serious attempt at Open Sourcing Sequencer of an optimistic rollup

Developing our very own blockchain using optimistic rollups, based on an Arbitrum architecture, but decentralizing the sequencer. Highly compatible with geth & ethereum smart contracts. This is all about laying down a robust, open-source foundation that supports our digital ecosystem's growth and welcomes continual improvements and developer contributions. This will also allow building robust subscription systems for vendors seamlessly into the Moca Ecosystem, as well as other products and services our community comes up with!

Code to Earn

Help us in our mission to onboard millions of normies to Crypto

Embracing the future of finance in style

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